What Man
What Man
Episode 15 : Breaking Bread LIVE!
Join us and listen in on our first live broadcast. The What Man crew took to Facebook to live stream this episode, so what you are hearing in this podcast, is how it came off in the live.
So why breaking bread? What is that about? Every few episodes the What Man crew is going to go live, and just have a conversation over a virtual meal. We are going to break some bread together and discuss whatever comes up! We started with "Crazy scriptures that get brought up by unbelievers" and went from there. Don't miss it!
If you are interested in joining us for breaking bread, send us an email, we'd love to break bread with you on a future episode!
Click subscribe and take advantage of having your questions as the topic of an upcoming show by visiting us on our Facebook page. Leave a message in any of the comments with your question, or if you prefer to, send us an email whatman@22today.org.