What Man
What Man
Episode 16: Overcoming Adversity w/ Special Guest LTC Wayne Sanders
If there is one thing 2020 has brought almost everyone, it would be adversity! Loss of work, loss of health, loss of loved ones. Challenges with family, challenges with work if you kept your job, challenges with ALL The things. 2020 is a walking advertisement for adversity, and so we look to scripture, what can we do when faced with adversity? Is there any hope?
That is EXACTLY what we find and we look to make it even more real with our special guest Wayne Sanders who faced his fair share, from being blown up in Iraq (three times) to being told he and his wife could never have children. He shares it all with us and with you so that we all may be equipped for the challenges ahead. An episode you DEFINITELY do not want to miss! in fact we think it is so important, we are pushing this one 3 days early so you have more time to hear this amazing story and see how you can apply the lessons in your life.
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